alternative DUI programs DUI court georgia

All About DUI Court and Alternative DUI Programs

Driving under the influence is a serious public safety concern and a legal offense. Even though we know logically that engaging in a DUI is dangerous, it happens way more often than we realize as we are going through the motions of our days. The problem that we tend to see is how those with DUI charges are treated after the fact! There is an increasing need for rehabilitation over punishment. This is why there are growing options such as DUI court and alternative DUI programs! At Centered Recovery, we are a proud alternative DUI program provider for those who wish to complete their legal requirements and receive treatment to improve their substance use and mental health. Time to dive into how we can help! First, let’s go over some of the consequences of driving under the influence to paint a better picture of its seriousness.

driving under the influence DUI court georgia

The Dangers of Driving Under the Influence

We all know that driving under the influence is extremely dangerous, yet it happens every day. Not only does driving under the influence place a risk for other drivers and families on the road, but you can have severe consequences personally whether that is a physical risk of injury in an accident or being arrested for a DUI charge. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported that almost 30 million people admitted to driving under the influence of alcohol. Think about this staggering number for a second. That is roughly triple the entire population of Georgia! This number shows how large of a problem drinking and driving truly is. Of these 30 million people, more than 1.2 million of them were arrested for drunk driving. 

Here are some other dangers that have been highlighted from driving under the influence:

  • Roughly 33% of car crashes involving a fatality are caused by an intoxicated driver.
  • Car crashes are the highest cause of fatalities for adolescents, and about 25% of those crashes involve underage drinking.
  • During an average lifespan, 66% of people will be involved in a crash involving a drunk driver.
  • Almost 20% of weekend and nighttime drivers have tested positive for being under the influence of alcohol or other illicit drugs.

Clearly, as these statistics show, it is all too common for drivers to be under the influence, leading to great danger. Most drinking and driving situations lead to accidents, injuries, deaths, and legal consequences, which we will explore next.

drinking drunk consequences georgia

Consequences for DUI in Georgia

In the United States, limits on driving under the influence are tied to a person’s blood alcohol content (BAC). The legal limit is a BAC of 0.08% in most states, including Georgia. When a driver tests above the legal limit, there can be devastating consequences. The biggest legal consequence of driving under the influence is a criminal charge for a DUI. Usually, the legal implications of a DUI charge will depend on if it is a first offense or a repeat offense. 

First DUI Offense

When a Georgia driver receives their first offense for a DUI, they may be subject to monetary fines ranging from $300 to $1,000. Jail time is typically suspended, but can range from 10 days to 12 months for a first DUI offense. Usually, there is a required 20 to 40 hours of community service attached to this charge. A license can be suspended to certain circumstances such as work, school, or health care facilities for an extended period. Lastly, those with their first DUI charge must complete a DUI program approved by the court.

Second DUI Offense 

If a second DUI offense occurs by a Georgia driver, they may be subject to monetary fines ranging from $600 to $1,000, or jail time. Typically, jail time would be a mandatory minimum of 72 hours, but may range from 90 days to 12 months. There is a mandatory community service of 30 days for a first offense, as well as a clinical evaluation for possible treatment programs and any ongoing license suspension, or limitations.

Third DUI Offense and Beyond

Unfortunately, when a third DUI offense occurs, consequences begin to compound quickly. Monetary fines jump from $1,000 to $5,000 and there is a mandatory jail sentence of 15 days, but can last for up to 12 months. At this point, a driver’s license will be revoked for five years, and the driver’s information is subject to being published in the local newsletters. There is a mandatory 30-day community service sentence attached to a third DUI. If a driver reaches a fourth DUI offense, they may be subject to a felony DUI charge, which is attached to bigger fines and possibly prison sentences.

On top of all these consequences, there are even more! Lovely, right? Not only are there these mandatory legal obligations to overcome, but you may have increased insurance rates on your vehicle as a high-risk driver, as well as an ignition interlock device which means you must use a breathalyzer before driving to start your car. DUI charges can impact your ability to find future employment due to having a criminal record, especially if driving is required in your job duties! As far as your personal life, consequences may include damage to relationships and your community, as well as increased financial pressures from legal fees and other required programs that you must attend. At the end of the day, not worth it, right? We agree! But Centered Recovery Programs knows that DUI charges happen. So, let’s talk about what your options are if you are facing a DUI charge.

alternative DUI programs for DUI court georgia near me

What are DUI Court Programs?

One of the newest growing trends in the legal system is the use of DUI court programs for those with ongoing legal charges related to driving under the influence. The biggest reason that DUI courts are popping up all over the country is because simply put, they work! The use of DUI courts is shown to be effective in reducing recidivism and providing treatment and support to those who need it, rather than focusing on direct punishment. At the end of the day, DUI Court is beneficial to the individual and the community because it helps keep our community healthy and safe, on and off the roads.

The main goal of DUI court is to address substance use in a caring way and keep those with charges from accruing additional DUI charges. Generally, the structure of DUI court programs includes check-ins with a probation officer, court appearances, random drug screenings, support group attendance, and substance use treatment programs. The team involved in DUI court programs consists of the judge, prosecutor, attorney, probation officer, and treatment facility providers who all work in conjunction to enhance your recovery and make sure you are compliant with all your requirements. With time, you will see the benefits of your DUI court program helping you address your addiction and build accountability, as well as support. Getting charged with DUI is not fun – we understand. But, we can use that as a catalyst for a better future to come!

What are Alternative Programs for DUI Court?

In certain cases, it is possible to even get approved for an alternative program for DUI Court, which would include substance use treatment at facilities like Centered! Most times, the use of an alternative program to DUI court must be approved by the judge presiding over your case. This is when you should ask your attorney if this may be an option for you!

The use of alternative programs, such as substance use treatment instead of DUI Court and jail time, shows the importance being placed upon rehabilitation. We recognize that sometimes DUI charges may be rock bottom for clients who are seeking to change their way of living, and we are here to help. 

Requirements for alternative programs will be determined by the judge and may vary in intensity or duration. You may be required to attend a residential treatment facility where you are monitored on a round-the-clock basis, or you may be eligible for outpatient treatment. It’s possible that treatment lengths may be 30 days, but may range to a year. All these factors will be determined by your judge and attorneys, but once you know what is needed – the rest can be determined with us for your treatment plan. Often, treatment programs can help with withdrawal symptoms, relapse prevention, group and individual therapy, as well as additional random drug screenings. Attending outside support groups such as AA or SMART Recovery are generally required, where you can build skills and fellowship. Treatment can truly be the start of a new chapter following such a difficult moment.

centered recovery programs alternative DUI program georgia

Centered Recovery Programs as a DUI Court Alternative Program

Over the last decade, it has become much more common for nonviolent drug offenders, such as those with DUI charges, to be deferred to treatment rather than initially being incarcerated. This is usually a good thing! As we have seen, people can and do recover when given the opportunity and the right motivation and resources for change.

Court-ordered treatment produces better results than mandatory jail time. Most people with substance abuse problems need real help, not to be locked up. Centered Recovery works with people who are compelled to treatment via an order from a judge or pre-arrangement through their attorney and the prosecutor. In most cases, people have a choice of what program they want to participate in, and we offer outpatient treatment to meet a variety of schedules and demands for participation.

Whether someone is ordered to complete a 30-day program or something more long-term, we have multiple levels of care we can provide. As a DUI court alternative program, Centered Recovery offers treatment schedules ranging from full-time, 5 days per week to part-time, 3 days per week, and even 1 day per week. Court-ordered rehab clients are often required to have ongoing screenings, assessments, and drug testing procedures. Our professional treatment staff includes masters-level Clinicians and full-time nursing coverage and can provide accurate reporting to satisfy the demands of the courts. We also have professional lab services to be able to get more detailed information for drug testing in addition to our instant drug screens!

Contact Centered Recovery Today!

Whether you are seeking an alternative DUI court program or are just looking to improve your health and well-being, we are here for you! Centered Recovery Programs in Roswell, Georgia, is a mindfulness-based, non-12-step outpatient drug and alcohol treatment program that may be the perfect fit for you! We offer our clients various levels of outpatient care, including partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient services. For clients who have attempted sobriety in the past and were unsuccessful, our program utilizes an entirely fresh approach. We believe that support, understanding, and compassion are key to helping clients find a permanent, lasting solution that comes from within. 

Our mindfulness-based program is also an incredibly effective treatment for clients struggling with depression, anxiety, stress, and burnout! Helping our clients see the root cause of their pain allows them to discover the key to moving beyond it. The unique program integrates common sense with cutting-edge neuroscience to illuminate how to find resilience even among the chaos, both from the past and in the future. We offer flexible scheduling with morning and evening availability, as well as in-person and virtual IOP options for those throughout the entire state of Georgia!

Let’s get you started on your personalized alcohol treatment program to complete your DUI requirements! Contact Centered Recovery drug rehab and alcohol treatment center today and embark on your journey towards sobriety and freedom. Call us today at 800-556-2966 to speak with an admissions counselor!

Written by Jennifer Lopes, BS Psy