Tag Archives: Mindfulness-based Relapse Prevention

  • A letter to our fellow clinicians
    Wednesday, July 17th, 2019

    A letter to our fellow clinicians

    Dear Fellow Clinician, As mental health care professionals, we know that there are some places we would recommend to our own family and friends, while there are others we...
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  • The Waterfall of Recovery
    Monday, June 24th, 2019

    The Waterfall of Recovery

    So Much More Than the Fall Waterfalls are beautiful, powerful forces of nature. Yet, they are much more than the fall. When the water hits the ground, it forms...
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  • A personal perspective
    Wednesday, May 8th, 2019

    A personal perspective

    A story of Recovery There’s nothing more personal than a story of recovery told by the person who lived it. One of our own clients shared the story below–his...
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  • Introducing Guest Speaker Jill Whalen
    Monday, April 16th, 2018

    Introducing Guest Speaker Jill Whalen

    Mindfulness Based Educational Program Centered Recovery takes its educational curriculum very seriously. Our clients come to us because our  program is very different from other recovery centers–we pride ourselves...
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  • Wednesday, March 21st, 2018

    Understanding Holistic Recovery

    Mindfulness-Based Education Program at Centered Centered Recovery is proud of its mindfulness-based, strong educational program that has helped hundreds of clients understand their addiction and move past it forever....
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  • Thursday, October 19th, 2017

    The Truth About Goals

    #goals Everyone knows that the best way you can accomplish something is by setting a goal to get there. Your parents, your childhood teachers, your boss, even your trainer...
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